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ABC Men gives insight into the philosophy of Sassoon barbering, which has a unique approach to cutting hair, of which the most important aspects are:
Working without or with product
In fundamental Sassoon men's haircutting the shape is achieved without blow-drying or the use of product. This ensures that the combination of strong technique and visual assessment, together with the natural growth and texture create a haircut that will hold its shape.
The use of product gives added possibilities, for example the top lengths can be left longer or taken shorter or the hair can be styled in different directions that would otherwise not be possible with just the natural texture.
Determining the right length for the hair
An important aspect of men's work is observing how hair reacts and changes texture as it is cut to different lengths, it is important therefore to find a length that suits both the fall and texture of the hair. Mastering this is as important as understanding the methodology of a haircut in giving the look extra sharpness and longevity.
Working in Phases
The concept of working in specific phases follows the principles of classic sculpture. Initially determining the outside parameters or internal proportions of the haircut, followed by a continuous refinement of the shape utilising the Pareto principle.
The use of vertical & horizontal sections
Fundamental barbering uses the square as its basic form with vertical and horizontal sections employed to build up and reduce weight. This will create flatter shapes that suit the angular features of the male.